For everyone in their life, there is something they love, or are extremely passionate about. For me, in my life, that passion is fishing. I did not find fishing at a young age, I was heavily involved in competitive sports, and really never did any fishing that didn't include a bobber and a worm. In my early teens, I began to camp and fish more and more with some of my very good friends and it wasn't long before i knew this was something i wanted to do for the rest of my life. Shortly thereafter, I applied, and was hired at Esnagami Wilderness Lodge in Northern Ontario. This for me was undoubtedly a life-changing experience. I work there still to this day, and it will be my fourth year as head guide. I have been guiding on the lake for Walleye and Northern Pike for my previous 5 summers, and been running guided days down the Esnagami River for trophy Northern Ontario Brook Trout for the last 4. I have managed to meet a ton of amazing and extremely helpful people along the way, and continue to hone my networking skills, hence this blog I have decided to start.
My purpose for starting this blog is to keep a day to day journal of the life of a Fishing guide. For myself, for my writing skills, as well as for anyone who wants to support me by reading it. I will be keeping it updated on a daily basis, and will include photos and videos of myself, and guests. Thanks for reading, and I hope to see you back here soon, or better yet, Hope to see you out on the water. Tight Lines.
I love that you are extending you passion to others, Mark. I'll keep reading if you'll keep writing. xo